Peace Building Fund Sudan portfolio bi-annual report for 2021

The report provides an update on the status of the Peace Building Fund (PBF) funded portfolio in Sudan as of the June 2021 bi-annual reporting period. As of this report, the PBF has 8 active projects totaling $27.7m in approved funding, as well as 5 projects in development and 1 completed project.
Sudan was declared eligible to receive PBF funding on October 16th, 2019. Subsequently, in 2019 the PBF approved 5 projects totaling $20 million in all 5 Darfur states, focusing on durable solutions, strengthening rule of law institutions, and supporting local peacebuilding initiatives.
These projects built on a previous $3 million pilot project funded by the PBF in 2018 to support sustainable returns for displaced populations, rule of law, and youth livelihoods in Golo, Jebel Marra. Later, in 2020, the PBF approved 3 additional projects totaling $7.7 million to support the ongoing peace process and National Peace Commission, women’s participation in national and local peace processes, and the establishment of an in-country PBF Secretariat to oversee and coordinate the PBF portfolio. In 2021, the PBF will support five new projects.