Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding in Sudan: Online Course

Are you a Humanitarian-Development-Peace practitioner working in or on the context of Sudan? Do you want to maximise your contribution to peace through conflict-sensitive peacebuilding programming? Then this interactive, self-paced course is for you!
Designed by the UN Systems Staff College, the UN Peacebuilding Fund and the UN Development Programme, this course prepares HDP practitioners to plan, develop and implement peacebuilding programmes that are conflict-sensitive and responsive to Sudan’s context. Participants can familiarise themselves with each thematic area through case studies and interactive tools, and engage in peer learning through sharing resources with other participants.
Click here to register in English and here in Arabic (waitlist).
Location: online
English (available)
Arabic (waitlist)
Fee: Free
1: Conflict Sensitivity in Sudan
2.1: Understanding the Peace and Conflict Context
2.2: Conflict Analysis
3: Analyzing the interaction between intervention and context
4: Generating Options to Design Conflict-Sensitive Programmes
5: Adaptation, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning from Conflict Sensitivity