UNICEF Sudan Annual Results Report 2022
10 April 2023

UNICEF and partners reached millions of girls and boys with lifesaving and life-sustaining interventions.
- Over 18 million bed nets distributed.
- 5 million girls and boys accessed quality learning.
- Over 3 million people gained access to basic domestic water supply.
- Over 2 million people reached with hygiene promotion activities.
- Over a million measles vaccinations administered.
- 400,000 children reached with school supplies.
- 322,000 severely acutely malnourished children treated.
- Over 200,000 people reached with child protection messages and dialogues.
- 52,000 pregnant women and lactating mothers reached with integrated social protection services, benefiting over 300,000 people.
- Over 1,300 communities abandoned female genital mutilation.
- 510 communities stopped open defecation.
- 70 per cent of identified vaccine refusers accepted vaccinations.
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