Delivering more for migrants IOM Sudan Annual Report 2015

2015 saw an unprecedented number of people on the move, and the increasing prominence and urgency of the migration agenda. Sudan experienced increased attention globally as a country of origin, transit and destination, along the main migratory routes from Africa to Europe. Sudan’s migration challenges center not only on managing irregular migratory flows, but also on how to achieve a progressive resolution to the protracted displacement situations within Sudan, and how to harness the benefits of migration to support Sudan’s development.
Within this context, and in an environment of great internal changes, including a physical move to new facilities, welcoming a range of new staff, and negotiating new technical agreements with the Government of Sudan (GoS), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has worked quickly and effectively to respond to migration dimensions of humanitarian crises, initiated programming to speed recovery and strengthen stability, and deployed expertise to help the GoS to strengthen migration management and governance.
IOM Sudan’s Strategic Framework for 2015-2017 responds to the migration context in Sudan, aligns programming, and focuses organizational capacity and resources. The Framework served as a basis to engage both Government and Member States on migration priorities in order to help IOM Sudan deliver more for migrants in 2015. IOM is committed to working together to shape a more positive understanding and narrative around migration, so that it is seen as a national and global phenomenon driven not only by crisis and emergency, but also driven by and leading to opportunity, growth and innovation. Sudan offers an opportunity to demonstrate that if properly managed, prioritizing the value of human life and dignity, migration can benefit everyone, migrants and society alike.