Sudan Multi Year Humanitarian Strategy 2017-2019

The Multi-Year Humanitarian Strategy (2017-2019) constitutes an important step for the humanitarian response in Sudan. For the first time, humanitarian action will be guided by a strategy looking three years ahead. This will allow for strengthening the links between emergency humanitarian response and the longer-term development necessary to sustainably reduce the level of needs in Sudan.
The past year has witnessed continued progress towards peace and stability presenting greater opportunities for development interventions, while humanitarian needs are driven by climatic factors and poverty, strengthening development activities is essential to addressing the underlying causes.
By taking a multi-year approach and providing clear links to the Government and UN’s planned development outcomes in Sudan, this strategy will enable the humanitarian response to be adapted to the need for longer-term planning and the promotion of sustainable development. Ultimately, it should help to reduce the need for external humanitarian assistance.
This strategy is a product of collaboration and consultation between the Government, United Nations and Partners. It contributes to national priorities and strategies. In addition, it provides the opportunity to further strengthen government collaboration and partnership with the UN and partners in Sudan over the coming three years. Such partnership is vital to ensuring people in need receive humanitarian assistance and protection in a timely and sustained manner.
The strategy ensures that the range of humanitarian response builds capacity at all levels for both Government and national partners, including local communities, civil society, and local and national institutions. In cooperation with development actors, national capacity for early warning and recovery will also be strengthened. Together, this will help to strengthen national response mechanisms, better coordinate humanitarian response with national service delivery, and ultimately reduce dependence on aid.
The Government of Sudan is committed to facilitate the implementation of this strategy, to enhance the effectiveness of the humanitarian response, while seeking to advance durable solutions for the displaced population, and promoting sustainable development for all Sudanese, including the most vulnerable. We hope this Strategy will provide an example which can benefit other countries in the region and beyond.
We thank donors for their continued support and count on their commitment to provide multi-year humanitarian funding, as well as greater development funding, in areas with humanitarian needs.I would also like to thank all those who contributed to the preparation of the strategy in particular the Government National Mechanism and the United Nations. I look forward to our continued active partnership to serve all the people in Sudan in need of humanitarian assistance and development intervention.