Access to land is key to the livelihoods of all communities in Darfur and access to agricultural land is one of the root causes of conflict and continues to be a conflict driver. Results from the eight studies in Darfur conducted under the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) Sudan in 2020–2021 show that 81% of IDPs are not able to access their agricultural land in the place of origin.
Resolution of land conflicts needs to be a key priority at the heart of durable solutions for IDPs. However, to strengthen the prospect of long-term peace, it is key to also consider the rights to land of the secondary occupants.
Results show that the majority of IDPs are renting farmland in their place of displacement, hence making land rental more affordable and tenancies more secure will support IDPs and help all land tenants.
The customary land management system does not grant women and most nomads rights to agricultural land, yet findings show that women cultivate land to the same extent as men, and significant proportions of nomad households are also increasingly relying on crop farming.