Press Release

UN And Partners Steps-Up Efforts to Prevent and Respond to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Sudan

16 July 2019

  • The United Nations Country Team, UNAMID, the INGO Forum in Sudan and partners in the donor community namely Switzerland,  Sweden and the UK Department for International Development (DFID) sign a Joint Framework for Action on Prevention and Response to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse as a commitment to tackle sexual exploitation and abuse within its own ranks and ensure that rights and dignities of the communities they serve are front and centre

The United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Sudan, The African Union - United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID), the INGO Forum in Sudan and partners in the donor community namely Switzerland,  Sweden and the UK Department for International Development (DFID) have signed today a Joint Framework for Action on Prevention and Response to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (JFA- PSEA) as a commitment to tackle sexual exploitation and abuse within its own ranks and ensure that rights and dignities of the communities they serve are front and centre.

The initiative represents a visible demonstration of resolve and commitment by the UN and partners in Sudan to set a standard for preventing, responding to and eradicating sexual exploitation and abuse and addressing its impact. It will be achieved through actions in 6 core areas covered in the joint framework for action: policy operationalization, coordination and cooperation, prevention and internal mainstreaming, advocacy, complaints and investigations, and survivor support.

The action framework was developed under the auspices of the Sudan PSEA Network, which serves as the primary body for overall coordination and oversight of prevention and response to sexual exploitation and abuse by all development and humanitarian actors in Sudan such as the UN, INGOs and donors.

The network is chaired by the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan, Ms Gwi-Yeop Son and has been established to ensure a coherent and coordinated approach to strengthen efforts to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation and abuse in Sudan.

The JFA-PSEA is a living document which shall provide a basis for continuous tracking of progress and resource needs on the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse by humanitarian and development actors across Sudan. It remains open for signatures by agencies / organizations who are not able to sign it on 16th July and may subsequently wish to do so.

To make zero tolerance for  sexual exploitation and abuse a reality, continued efforts have been taken by the United Nations including the appointment by the Secretary-General in February 2016 of a Special Coordinator on Improving the United Nations Response to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and the appointment in August 2018 of the first Victims’ Rights Advocate for the United Nations.

In his first week in office as UN Secretary-General, António Guterres established a High-Level Task Force to develop ambitious new proposals to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation and abuse committed by those serving the UN flag.

UN entities involved in this initiative

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
International Atomic Energy Agency
International Fund for Agricultural Development
International Labour Organization
International Organization for Migration
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Human Settlements Programme
UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Children’s Fund
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
United Nations Office for Project Services
United Nations Volunteers
World Food Programme
World Health Organization

Other entities involved in this initiative

International Monetary Fund
World Bank
World Bank

Goals we are supporting through this initiative