Press Release

Daily press briefing by the Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General

20 July 2022

In Sudan, our Humanitarian Coordinator, Khardiata Lo Ndiaye, said she is deeply concerned following the killings of dozens of civilians and the displacement of thousands of women and girls in a wave of recent inter-communal violence in Blue Nile state. She calls on all parties to stop the violence and to seek mutually acceptable solutions. 

Humanitarian workers have reached more than 560,000 people with assistance between January and March of this year in Blue Nile. Aid organizations are providing health and medical supplies, as well as food, and are being asked to expand the capacity of a field hospital to treat the injured. 

These latest clashes come at a time when humanitarian needs in Sudan are already at an all-time high. More than 14 million people currently require some form of life-saving aid. The 2022 Humanitarian Response Plan, which calls for $1.9 billion, is only 20 per cent funded. 


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