Press Release

The Sudan First State of Environment and Outlook Report Team Concluded First Regional Workshop in North Kordofan

15 September 2021

Sudan's Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources, with the support of UNEP, held the first regional workshop in North Kordofan State as part of the institutionalisation process of the Sudan First State of Environment and Outlook Report

Khartoum - The Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources (HCENR) with the support of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) have held their first regional workshop in El Obeid the capital of the state of North Kordofan as part of the institutionalisation process of the Sudan First State of Environment and Outlook Report. The regional workshop which took place on 13-14th September, aimed at distributing the report to the participants, soliciting proposals for developing the proposed scenarios and policy options into new better policies, legislations, and institutions in the realm of environment and natural resources management. In addition, to receive from the participants their visions and proposals on how to institutionalise the report through clear legislations or acts and within definite administrative systems.

The workshop was attended by about 50 participants from North, South and West Kordofan States. North Kordofan State was represented by Dr. Hatim Gomaa, General Director of the Ministry of Production and Economic Resources, the Vice Chancellor of Kordofan State, and representatives from Al-Salam and West Kordofan universities. The Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources was represented by Mr. Suliman Alboni Suliman, General Director of the General Directorate of Planning and Policies.

The First State of Environment and Outlook Report was launched in October 2020 with the theme of Environment for Peace and Sustainable Development. The report's launch was coincided with the government's efforts to reform the political, economic and social systems after the December 2019 historical revolution. It's considered as one of the solid scientific report that could support the government of Sudan in its transitional period.

Its chapters start with an overview of the country’s geography and socio-economy and an explanation of its environmental governance system. Then, it discusses aspects of the environment under the themes of Atmosphere, Land Resources, Water Resources, Biodiversity, Persistent Environmental Issues and Emerging Environmental Issues. These are followed by a detailed analysis of the country’s Policy and Institutional Arrangements, before the report concluded with a Future Outlook titled: Policy Options and Scenarios.

In the first day of the workshop, the focus was on presenting on: Kordofanian features in the report, future policy options and scenarios, institutionalisation of the report and environmental information network.  

The second day was dedicated to groups work where the participants discussed and explored the future production of the report. They also explored- at the State as well as regional level- policy options based on report directives on Policy Options and Scenarios.

The participants came up with a package of future recommendations for the three states, Kordofan regions and their relationship with the Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources including:

  1. Production of states’ State of Environment and Outlook reports every two years, and the national reports every five years.
  2. Establishment of a Regional Council in Kordofan for Environment and Natural Resources in fulfilment of Article 5/2 of the Unified Environmental Councils Law 2020.
  3. Until the Federal System is endorsed, each state will establish an Environmental Sector/Department within the ministry responsible for the environment.
  4. Establishment of an Advisory Committee in each Kordofan Sates composed of different institutions (State units, universities, NGOs. etc.).
  5. These recommendations will be followed through a coordination committee composed of the three General Directors of States Ministries who are responsible for the environment and the Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources.

Atila Uras, UNEP's Country Programme Manager said: "The Sudan First State of Environment and Outlook report recognizes Sudan’s rich natural capital - the diversity of soil, biodiversity, water, landscapes and habitats- which if wisely managed, it will drive the country towards a green sustainable future with enhanced well-being and human health. We as a United Nations Environment Programme are ready to help and support".

Further regional workshops are planned to be arranged in other regions including the Central Region (Blue Nile, Khartoum, Gezira, Sinnar and White Nile States) and Greater Darfur States.

The First State of Environment and Outlook Report 2020 is available here.


For more information, please contact:


Sara Eltigani Elsharif, Communication Specialist, UNEP Sudan,

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United Nations Environment Programme

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