Statement by the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator a.i. in Sudan, Assistant Secretary-General Babacar Cisse
16 Days of Activism Campaign against Gender-based Violence
Today, Sudan joins the world to kick off the 16 Days of Activism campaign against Gender-based Violence (GBV), an annual event which runs from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, the International Human Rights Day.
The COVID-19 pandemic surprised the world in the early months of this year, forcing governments to take special measures to treat the infected, and contain and reverse the spread of the virus. In Sudan, as in other countries, COVID-19 prevention and response measures overlapped with pre-existing gender inequalities to exacerbate multiple manifestations of GBV.
The global theme of the campaign this year, "Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!" shines a spotlight on how the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the need for stronger measures in the areas of funding, essential services, prevention and data to shape better-informed responses to GBV.
At the national level, the Government of Sudan has adopted the theme, “Commitment to Accountable and Sustainable Protection from GBV.” The national theme is apt. We acknowledge that the Transitional Government of Sudan (TGoS) has translated commitment to addressing GBV into action on many fronts. The TGoS has signed an agreement for a Framework for Cooperation on Conflict-related Sexual violence with the UN, adopted a National Action Plan to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1325, developed a national strategy for the protection of civilians and amended the law on FGM.
The United Nations in Sudan supports all measures by the TGoS and stands in solidarity with the women and girls of Sudan to eradicate all forms of GBV. We continue to advocate for evidence-based laws, policies, and strategies to be adopted and sufficient resource allocation for prevention and response to violence against women and girls.
We all have very important roles to play, both personally and professionally, to prevent and respond to GBV in all its forms and encourage and empower everyone around us to do the same.
Today, I call on the UN family in Sudan and the public to reflect on the importance of the 16 Days of Activism campaign. For the next 16 days “Orange your World” in every way you can:
- Wear something orange or with an orange highlight each day.
- Follow the online conversation using the hashtags #OrangeTheWorld #16DaysofActivism #SayNotoViolence #EndViolenceAgainstWomen and share with others.
- Promote the hashtags on your social media platforms.
- Follow the @SayNO UNiTE campaign on Twitter.
- Add your creative ideas to amplify the messages and stimulate conversation on this important matter.
Beyond the 16 Days, we can continue to prevent GBV by modelling positive, unbiased, and empowering behaviours in our social interactions. Let us all be agents of change to make Sudan a safer and better place for all women, men, girls, and boys, in all their diversities.
Thank you,
Babacar Cisse